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The Truth about Bush, Bin Laden, and 9/11

The Truth about Bush, Bin Laden, and 9/11

Time: 21:59
Here’s what the political elites don’t want you to know about the Taliban and 9/11, the U.S. military strikes an Afghan aid worker and his family in Kabul, Fauci would love airlines to enforce vaccine mandates to fly, and Tony Blinken has a rough week ahead of him.
Here’s your Daily dose of Human Events with @JackPosobiec
Episode ID: 1000535230532
GUID: Buzzsprout-9188567
Release Date: 9/13/2021, 6:00:00 PM


The real events of the world are out there, but it all depends on who you listen to. Human Events Daily with Jack Posobiec is brining you the unfiltered and factual updates on how current events will impact our country today and in the future. This show is breaking the news that the biased mainstream media can't handle.

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