Most Recent Episode
Blessed Are The Pure In Heart

Blessed Are The Pure In Heart

Blessed Are The Pure In Heart
Time: 25:16
Jesus said, “Happy are the pure in heart.” When you mourn over your sin, your heart becomes pure. This is what “the pure in heart” means. The heart is the seat of your intellect, will and emotion. An impure heart is generally the reason for your unhappiness, loneliness, fear and regret. Your heart hurts when you do something against God’s laws.
Episode ID: 1000631362480
GUID: CB823B8Ea9d44E9f2a0Dc2575538
Release Date: 10/15/2023, 9:00:00 AM


Our purpose at Hagee Ministries is to bring the lost to Jesus Christ while encouraging those who are already believers. Visit JHM.org for more information.

Apple Podcasts: Customer Reviews

Truth, Bible based

Have your bible ready, check his references- truth is spoken,
hope is given!
God is good, all the time!

Start and Stop!

Oh I love listening but like the previous review it runs for about a minute and then stops for up to two minutes. I have been unable to download any of the podcasts. Hopefully you can get this problem fixed.

Can I just listen

Is there a way to listen and not watch... keeps stalling every few seconds trying to upload video.


Unable to listen/watch your Pods. Plays for 2 seconds, stalls for 2 mins.