

Gratitude: What Is Gratefulness? Why Is The Mind-Body Connection So Powerful and How To Practice It
The Mental Physical and Spiritual Connection of Giving Thanks
This book will address many issues and burning questions and much more such as:
What does gratitude or giving thanks mean?
Why is gratitude so powerful?
How will it change your brain in the way you think and your life?
What are the health benefits of practising gratitude?
In summary, you will discover the true meaning of gratitude, its power and connection between the mind and body, how it changes the way you think in different life situations and, the impact on others around you. You will learn the most important gift to be grateful for, and furthermore, manifestation and the many health benefits of practising gratitude especially if you have suffered from addictions, illness or relationship breakups.
We all have problems and practising gratitude is most beneficial but it is not just the mind-body connection and earthly things that matter most in life but more importantly, the spiritual.
This book offers great value. Apply it to everyday life.Useful for anyone considering or who already journals.
Why are gratitude journals so popular these days? Read this book!
Over 100 pages of premium cream paper.contain graphic illustrations.awesome softcover design. Makes a great gift.Another great book by author, Stirling De-Cruz Coleridge.

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