

Transform your health with this cutting-edge guide to fascia, your body's "hidden organ." Dr. Daniel Fenster guides the reader through a holistic self-therapy program as well as professional treatments to address issues such as chronic pain, anxiety, high blood pressure, GERD, and more.
At the #1 pain management clinic in New York City, director Dr. Daniel Fenster has changed thousands of lives for the better through a holistic approach and integrative therapies. His experience has revealed to him that treating the fascia--your long ignored, unappreciated, "hidden organ" that weaves around and through every single structure in your body--is crucial for both physical and mental health. Within these pages, Dr. Fenster will reveal all you need to know about fascia, including:
    The 8 "villains" that hurt your fascia and how to combat them
    A "free your fascia" quiz to assess what therapies are right for you
    20 recipes to nourish your fascia with the nutrients it needs
    Simple, at-home exercises and do-it-yourself therapies for releasing and optimizing your fascia
    Advice for working with professionals and the most powerful tools in fascial manipulation
    Exclusive to this book: interviews between Dr. Fenster and 10 of the leading-edge fascia researchers and experts.
By "freeing your fascia," you'll feel stronger, healthier, and happier from head to toe!

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